Sunday, August 7, 2011

What Have You Done For You Lately?

Quite a bit more than usual actually!
  • Been taking more walks in the sun to get the benefits of some awesome natural vitamin D. Took Ruger and Sunny to the lake with us this evening. They wore out quicker than we did, especially Sunny.
  • Started taking Krill Oil.
  • Back on the Melatonin. In about 6 weeks I'm going to cut my Ambien dosage in half and see if I can't get weened off it. I've been on it for over 4 years from when I started taking Lamictal as a mood stabilizer for the bipolar.
  • Replacing foods with organic alternatives whenever possible. When not possible looking for the product without things like High Fructose Corn Syrup and Hydrogenated (pick your poison) Oil. Did you know organic butter tastes like waaayyyy better than the other stuff? I felt like just eating the stick. Also picked up some grass-fed ground beef when I was at Whole Foods on Saturday. But, from now on my Whole Foods visits will be as late in the evening as I can go. Saturday afternoon crowds completely overwhelmed me.
  • Going to the library more to find some new reading material. I'm hoping to do some decent book reviews this coming week.

1 comment:

Erika said...

Melatonin is great! I've been using it for awhile and I love how gentle and natural it is.

Thanks for linking up at my Not Going to BlogHer Linky! (Sorry I'm so late in visiting - it's been crazy lately!) Have a great rest of the week!