You know that whopper of an EF-5 tornado that ripped up 25% of Joplin, killed approximately 120 people, and injured approximately 800 with approximately 1500 still missing? All my children live there. My boys, my daughter, my son-in-law, my daughter-in-law, and Tee and Bee.
My youngest son, Alec, worked at the Walmart that is now completely gone. He was at work. And I don't know how he got out of there alive.
This is the second tornado Alec has been in. The first was the EF-3 that hit Carl Junction, Missouri in May 2003. In that one, the houses on either side of us and all the houses across the street were demolished. All I had was a broken window and a totaled car.
After that tornado, in which everyone in the house ignored me and thought I was just being dramatic about the weather, we don't ignore weather anymore. We don't ignore warnings, watches, or sirens. The threat is real. And even if the threat does pan out as non-existent, is it really worth your life to take a chance?
Please don't ignore weather warnings and please please please make sure...absolutely sure...that you hug your family and friends at every opportunity and let them know you love them. Don't take moments for granted because you just can't ever ever get them back.
Glad everyone is ok!
Oh, wow...thank goodness everyone and everything is OK. That's remarkable and an incredible blessing.
Thanks for linking up!
Kristin :)
Glad you family is safe! Stumbled to your blog......Have a Very Safe & Happy Memorial Weekend! Stop for a visit http://dedastudios.blogspot.com
I am so glad your family is ok! I will keep them in my thoughts for a safe future and building up their homes again.
I stumbled you :) and I will follow you :) please check out my page... I have a post there as well for a Joplin Auction posted on there that I posted for a friends buisness (she is holding the auction) thanks so much! have a good holiday weekend!
So glad to hear from someone who was there and can share what it was like. The evening news just doesn't cut it. Gave you a wee stumble :)
You're absolutely right about not taking anything and anyone for granted! Hoping everyone in your family is safe and well! I blogged about this a few days ago and I hope that more people are getting involved in helping out.
I just stumbled by from the hop and also followed your blog. BTW, the hop is found on a page on my site that lists more than 200 hops, memes, and photo challenges… some for each day of the week. Check under the header for the link to that page. I’ve also just started a BlogFrog community that focuses on hops, carnivals, memes, and photo challenges. Go to http://theblogfrog.com/1504201 to visit & participate.
I hope you’ll visit me soon and follow back!
How scary! I'm glad your children are okay.
-:¦:- Stumble Through Thursday: Catwoman Costumes -:¦:-
SO, your family is all OK? It's amazing that Alec is ok - I saw pictures of that Walmart! WOW!
We're praying for the people of Joplin and all the tornado struck places. I know Canadians as a whole are sending quite a lot of aid down that way. I don't know how it all gets divided out, but we trust and hope that it all works out.
~ Raylene @ It's OK to be WEIRD!
Oh, this post brought tears to my eyes! I'm so glad that your family takes weather seriously and is okay after all of this!
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