Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Please Help! I'm Moving My Blog!


I am moving my blog, Mimi to Tee and Bee, to a new blog which I feel better reflects my life. Please come see me and "Follow" me at Green Country Girl. Green Country is what this area of Oklahoma is called and I'm looking forward to sharing more about life out this way with my new blog.

If you would also like to follow me at my new Twitter, it's @greencntrygirl.

Thank you all so much...I think the blogging community is awesome.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Guenevere Queen of the Summer Country by Rosalind Miles

Guenevere Queen of the Summer Country is a book by Rosalind Miles.

I rarely know what I'm looking for when I visit the library. Generally, I head to the new releases section to see if anything catches my eye. Then, I begin to wander up and down the stacks of books waiting for something to catch my interest. My last trip, this is one of the books that got my attention in the book stacks.

And as much as I had really really really wanted to enjoy it, I hate it. I don't think I got past the first 10 chapters.

Plot: Seriously, your standard fare about the Arthur legends. The "difference" here was that it was told from Guenevere's perspective, but there is something in the back of my mind telling me that another author had already done this. Marion Bradley Zimmerman? I think?

Characters: Childish. All of them. I don't mind characters having a childlike quality, but I don't think there was a mature one in the bunch. Petty. Greedy. I get that you want your character to have layers and that people have their good points and their bad points. I didn't see any good points here. Reminded me of the movie Chicago where the only decent character in the movie was the one girl's husband.

Pacing: Slow. I was bored very quickly.

What I disliked the most, though, was the never ending reminders about pagan worship being connected to sexual encounters with a variety of people. Regardless of the historical accuracy, the writer seemed to want to indulge in this particular POV. Let's just say I wasn't interested in the gory details. Although I already know the ending of these stories, knowing what happened with Guenevere and Lancelot I mean, I was disappointed that her adultery seemed to be a foregone conclusion from the start.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

What Have You Done For You Lately?

Quite a bit more than usual actually!
  • Been taking more walks in the sun to get the benefits of some awesome natural vitamin D. Took Ruger and Sunny to the lake with us this evening. They wore out quicker than we did, especially Sunny.
  • Started taking Krill Oil.
  • Back on the Melatonin. In about 6 weeks I'm going to cut my Ambien dosage in half and see if I can't get weened off it. I've been on it for over 4 years from when I started taking Lamictal as a mood stabilizer for the bipolar.
  • Replacing foods with organic alternatives whenever possible. When not possible looking for the product without things like High Fructose Corn Syrup and Hydrogenated (pick your poison) Oil. Did you know organic butter tastes like waaayyyy better than the other stuff? I felt like just eating the stick. Also picked up some grass-fed ground beef when I was at Whole Foods on Saturday. But, from now on my Whole Foods visits will be as late in the evening as I can go. Saturday afternoon crowds completely overwhelmed me.
  • Going to the library more to find some new reading material. I'm hoping to do some decent book reviews this coming week.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday Word Thoughts

These are actually Word Thoughts from last Monday. :)

Last Monday morning at 1AM, I was journaling. Most of the time that wouldn't be a big deal except I needed to be up for a doctor's appointment at 8AM. For some reason when I know that I have to wake up early for an appointment I struggle to sleep. If I know I am waking up for something like a day trip to see the kids it's no biggie. But when it's an "I have to be there at such-and-such a time or there will be some sort of penalty" I hit a brick wall. I can't figure out the psychology of it, either.

Back to my journaling notes...I was pleased with myself for staying hydrated, going for a walk, spending time in the sun, and eating healthy. I mentioned that I had done some prioritizing about all the giveaways I enter, but I didn't write any specifics and now I don't remember what it was. I also was on Chapter 30 of Power of a Praying Woman...which I won't be reading anymore. I have read Stormie Omartians Power of a Praying (insert the rest of your particular title here) books for some years. I would read and pray chapter 1 on the 1st of the month and so on. Well, this time I took a hard look at some of what she had written and I realized that she was promoting an idea as scriptural when it wasn't. Really, it was more of a traditional way of thinking. Christians need to be careful that what they believe and what they practice and what they share with others is based on specific scripture.

What the Word said to me on August 1, 2011:
  • Jeremiah 29:11-13 - It's not too late. I'm not too old. I still have a future worth living even at my age. God still has plans for me. He sees a future for me. It is not the end of my making specific contributions to His plans.
  • Psalms 92:13-15 - I am not irrelevant to God's plans. I am not relegated to the position of spectator. I am a part of HIs design with a job yet to do. I matter. Servants of God are never "put out to pasture." God always has an important role in His plan for anyone willing to do the work.
  • Romans 8:38-39 - Nothing comes between me and the Love of God which is in the Anointed One Jesus my Lord. I need to guard against opening a gap between me and Jesus that would let junk come between us.
As you can tell, apparently I was/am feeling a bit insignificant. It's not anything anyone has done...I think it's simply that it has been hot here for so long and the heat works against me and I do very little. The day before yesterday I was having difficulty catching my breath. The only time I've had an asthma attack was during the heat wave in the Chicago area in 1994 and I am not looking to repeat that incident. That wave lasted about 10 days...this in Oklahoma has gone on for over 2 months with no sign of letting up. I'm going to quit beating myself up over what I'm not doing and just move some of my plans to when it gets cooler. Take care of myself physically because it's certainly not worth doing things and ending up needing medical care.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

How Can a 4000% Increase in Bipolar Disorder Be Possible?


Disclaimer: I did not write the title of this post. That title is from the article I share at the bottom.

I've been reading a lot of articles on this website about natural health options. Although I am bipolar, truly bipolar, I agree that it has become the disease du jour not only for children, but for adults, as well. At least one person I know acted like they had entered the cool kids' club after their diagnosis. Funny thing is that once their life circumstances changed and stabilized, they don't seem to have the same problem.

My treatment began with a visit to a professional because my life got scary-about-to-be-institutionalized out of control. I was ready to stick myself in a psych ward and tempted to never come out. Looking back, though, I can see that I had been coming to that point for about 4 years before I hit it. There were a lot of heavy, heavy stressors in my life that I wasn't dealing with in a positive manner. I am now more interested in paying attention to what I put in my body and how I treat my body. Never mind the drugs I have been on, the food I have chosen to eat is far from making good choices.

I ate ice cream yesterday to "finish it up" because we had decided not to purchase the type filled with "junk" anymore. As I was eating it, I was very aware that most of the ingredients weren't good for me. I didn't enjoy it as much as I used to. I really don't even want to go buy anymore. My late night snack last night was a spinach salad with fresh mushrooms and a salad dressing that didn't contain HFCS or a base of soy. It was good. Truly tasted good. I added Krill oil to my diet starting today, too.

My "test" to see if the Lamictal is causing the rash is on. We'll see how this goes...so far I am thinking there is a correlation.

On to the article:

How Can a 4000% Increase in Bipolar Disorder Be Possible?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Med Change In My Future?

I have been very blessed for the past four years in that a single medication has kept my bipolar symptoms under control. I take Lamictal, or rather its generic form, Lamotrigine. When my psychiatrist first recommended Lamictal, it truly sounded like a good fit for me. It is weight neutral, very few side effects, and I would not have to have my blood levels checked on a regular basis like I would if I took lithium.

One of the rather nastier side-effects of Lamictal is stevens-johnson syndrome. If you do a search for it on the web, be aware that you may come across some really gross pictures. Anyway, the remotest possibility of a rash or other skin problems causes me to panic in my head. I have to battle the "what ifs" and get them under control. As you can probably guess, I have a rash. I do not believe it is stevens-johnson syndrome, but I am now thinking it is still an allergic reaction to the Lamictal.

At first, I thought it might be related to the dermatitis issues, then I thought it might be related to the new laundry detergent, and I also considered that it is simply this non-stop heat. Last night I saw the pattern for the flare-ups though and so now I'm thinking a med change is in my very near future. The pattern is that the itching is under control, for the most part, during the day. At night, it's so bad I can hardly sleep even with my sleeping medication. Well, at night I also take my Lamictal. I'm going to test my theory tonight and skip tonight's dose and then take the dose first thing in the morning. If it flares up during the day after that dose, I'll have some more "evidence."

I have a doctor's appointment on Monday. The challenges will be to find a medication that does not require checking blood levels AND is affordable since I cannot afford medical insurance, at this time. What may happen is that I end up on an anti-psychotic and an anti-depressant.

I had very bad experiences with the anti-depressants Zoloft and Cymbalta. Zoloft made me a sleeping zombie and Cymbalta had me thinking about suicide. Although, they do now believe that giving a bipolar patient an anti-depressant without another stabilizing medication actually worsens, really really worsens, the bipolar. It did for me. I went from happy mania to angry, hateful mania because of that. If I'm going to be manic, I'd much rather spend too much money than yell at my family all day.

As far as the anti-psychotic med classifications, it unnerves me to have to take something called an anti-psychotic. I do not think of myself as psychotic and have no desire to carry that label around.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

All About Thursday 07.28.11

Free stuff:
  • Nescafe Dolce sent the box of Cappucino Ice pods I had won through Twitter.
  • Steri-Bottles came from my win on Akron Ohio Moms
  • Aveeno Sample
  • Disney Cars Instant Win Game code for the Amazon GC came in my email
  • Beauty Blitz sent me a box of 3 nail polishes from Julep that I won in their July daily giveaway

Healthy stuff:
  • changed to peanut butter without hydrogenated oil and threw the old stuff away
  • purchased decent bread without high fructose corn syrup or other junk
  • chose to get some almonds (with dark chocolate) as a snack instead of chips
  • traded the salad dressing full of soybean oil for one without junk - the taste difference on this particular item was "WOW"
  • got some laundry soap free of dyes, ink, and perfumes - I'm pretty sure the other bottle is what gave me hives
  • exchanged plain Greek yogurt for the regular sugar-filled brand & bought honey to mix with it

Life stuff:
  • painted my nails with that new polish today - hadn't done that in about 8 years
  • remembered to call in a prescription refill
  • saw the youngest child breeze in and breeze out long enough to grab clean clothes - the dogs were sad when he didn't pay much attention to them...particularly Ruger
  • temperature here remains extraordinarily high
  • Charlie fixed my leaky faucet - finally :)
  • reading Towers of Midnight in preparation for the final book in the series coming out this fall - I may do one more re-read of the series after that and then I think I'll put them up for good.

Review stuff:


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

On the Road to Damascus


Acts 9:1-9

The Message (MSG)

1-2 All this time Saul was breathing down the necks of the Master's disciples, out for the kill. He went to the Chief Priest and got arrest warrants to take to the meeting places in Damascus so that if he found anyone there belonging to the Way, whether men or women, he could arrest them and bring them to Jerusalem.

3-4He set off. When he got to the outskirts of Damascus, he was suddenly dazed by a blinding flash of light. As he fell to the ground, he heard a voice: "Saul, Saul, why are you out to get me?"

5-6He said, "Who are you, Master?"

"I am Jesus, the One you're hunting down. I want you to get up and enter the city. In the city you'll be told what to do next."

7-9His companions stood there dumbstruck—they could hear the sound, but couldn't see anyone—while Saul, picking himself up off the ground, found himself stone-blind. They had to take him by the hand and lead him into Damascus. He continued blind for three days. He ate nothing, drank nothing.


On the road to Damascus - what? What does that phrase mean to me. A bit of the song, by Rich Mullins, keeps floating through my head. All I'm getting is:

On the road to Damascus
-followed by-
I give my life to sing Your praise

Those 2 lines keep repeating over and over. Now, seeing as how a symptom (effect - whatever you want to call it) of my bipolar is getting songs stuck in my head, I choose to be thankful that it's a song that doesn't make me cringe. But, its making me question.

:::off to view lyrics:::

OK. So the summary, to me, is that I can be headed somewhere, somewhere that gives all the appearance that what I do is RIGHT. And in spite of my well-meaning & well-reasoned plans - plans I may even believe are God's will - I can be stripped clean of my own ambitions (ambitions I may have not even realized I had) and faced with the fact that I am naked before God. He sees the truth. And if I love Him enough to let Him correct me, I'll be clothed with His plans, His reasons (should He care to share them), & His goals.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Fresh Grounded Faith 06.13.11


Let your light so shine before men that the may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:16 (AMP)

What's Percolating in Me: My Response
Light draws the eye. I should not dim the light for fear of being a target. I should shine the light in hope of drawing people to God.

Spill the Beans: My Prayer
That I may live my life as John the Baptist did. Unafraid of confrontation. Strong in conviction no matter the cost.

Thanks a Latte! My Praise
An issue that had me pouring my heart out to God yesterday was already resolved before I had to deal with it. God, You are so good.

Lesson taken from Fresh Grounded Faith by Jennifer Rothschild

Disclaimer: The link is not an affiliate link.


Friday, June 3, 2011

All About Friday 06.03.11


Really like these mini-Reese's without the wrappers. They're dandy.

Ruger seems to be doing a bit better with his scratching since we upped his allergy meds. Maybe he won't wake me up in the middle of the night scratching? Please?

97 degrees. Already. Hate to think what the rest of the summer is going to be like if this continues. We'll need to invest in another air conditioner. When the heat hits I get very thankful for my awesome counter top convection/toaster/traditional oven/broiler thingie. It was worth every penny.

I am thinking I might have a Lord of the Rings marathon this weekend. Maybe. If I can stay away from the computer long enough.

We had burgers and chips for dinner. Good stuff.

I hope your day was blessed.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

All About Thursday 06.02.11


I am tired. Why I am so tired is a mystery, but I am. Charlie thinks it might be the weather.

We didn't make it to church last night because I had the beginnings of a panic attack on the way out of town. I'm not sure why but bipolar is bipolar. It seemed like it was mostly due to sensory issues, though. I felt like my clothes were going to choke me and that if I entered the auditorium I would be stuck with no way out. Church on the Move has a very loud, vibrant, and exuberant worship and I wasn't in a place where that would be comfortable. Most of the time I'm fine there. So we drove out to see my mother-in-law and Charlie's grandpa and visited with them awhile. I was finally able to bring her the collage I made for her from the pictures I took the day Bee was born. We also took them our coffee because we are not drinking coffee anymore and I had mini-stash going.

Caught up with last night's So You Think You Can Dance episode. Couple things sticking out in my mind:
  • The girl who said her father was the real Ringo Starr AND her dad who BELIEVES he is the real Ringo Starr both need help. I don't say that flippantly, either. If she's grown up her whole life with her father making that claim, no wonder she is delusional herself. It was very sad to see.
  • Dude who auditioned in next-to-nothing? I think his name was Chase? Wow. Just wow. I couldn't believe the height he reached with his jumps. He needs to be a bit careful of what he says on camera, though. Telling the audience that your ex-fiance cheated on you wasn't a real good topic.
  • Krump dancer from New York. Amazing at what he did but being disrespectful to Lil' C and Russell was bad.
  • Mary Kate, the Irish Step Dancer, was great and I'm glad she went through to Vegas. I will be surprised if she makes the final 20, though. I didn't think she did that strongly in the choreography round.

Mail day was another good one...
  • Product test about which I can say nothing else.
  • Downy softener sample

I have to be up early to take Charlie to work, do some menu planning, and go grocery shopping tomorrow. It's going to be a bit busy but productive which is a good thing.

Poor Ruger. His allergies are still in overdrive.

I just started a re-read of Robert Jordan's The Fires of Heaven. I have lost track of how many times I've read this series because as soon as I reach the last book, I just start over with the first book. I'm sure there are other good books out there. Somewhere.

I hope your day was blessed.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

All About Wednesday 06.01.11


Can you believe it's June 2011 already? I have typed the wrong month all day long!

I used French's Dried Onions and breadcrumbs to make my own "shake-n-bake" and made chicken tonight. I also made Alexia's Saute Reds potatoes. Wow. They were a bit more than I normally pay for a side dish but I had a coupon so I tried them. They are really really good. I ate all the green beans though because Poppa doesn't like them when they've been frozen. We tried the Ore-Ida Sweet Potato Fries and I did not like them at all. Not even a bit and I really enjoy sweet potatoes. Alec and Poppa seemed to like them, though.

Going to church in a bit so I won't catch tonight's episode of So You Think You Can Dance until tomorrow. They are still in auditions but it's been nice that they haven't focused a lot on the crazy ones. Those make me wince.

I hope your day was blessed.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

All About Tuesday 05.31.11

Cool stuff in the mail today...all cool stuff...which is nice. No bills or junk mail.

I got:
  • A Senda Happy Gram that I won from Grandma's Guide to Life...I sent it to Alec and it definitely made him smile. Great customer service from the ladies at Senda Happy Gram, too.
  • Rockin' coupon book from P&G...about $35 worth
  • Free coupon for any Raid product up to $7.75 because I did Couponing to Disney's 5 a Day
  • Alec got his paycheck from Walmart that was sent here after the tornado. Now he can get his car fixed, buy car insurance, and get new contacts. :::throws confetti:::

I finally took my one prescription to the pharmacist...I was about at my 30 day limit and the script was about to expire. I really didn't want to have to get another one from my doctor.

I entered lots of giveaways and sweeps today...I am working on a goal of a minimum of 500 entered per day. I'm at about 200 now. Thank you Sweep! program and RoboForm because if I didn't have those tools to create a working system I wouldn't be able to get as many done in a day.

Pets doing good. Ruger really needs groomed but since he won't let anyone pick him up without biting them, I'm not sure how to accomplish that. I am going to have to seek some professional pointers because it gets too hot in Oklahoma for him not to get groomed. Flea season is upon us and that will have to be dealt with, too. I really want to know why fleas were created. I'm not being smart about it, either, I truly want to know because I'm confuzzled about the whole thing. Other bugs, as gross and annoying as they are, still provide a function. What do fleas do except annoy?

I am making Hamburger Helper and Ore-Ida Sweet Potato Fries for dinner. I got a coupon for the fries and I'm really curious to see what they taste like. If it's not good, we'll all be eating PB&J for supper. Is it supper or dinner where you are? I interchange the two because midday is always simply "lunch."

I think we have finally given up on coffee. I'm finding that I like hot tea as well and coffee has just gotten soooo expensive.

Caught up on "Doctor Who" last night. Wow. I knew something was up but the end of "The Almost People" is not only a game-changer for the rest of the season, but also completely changes the first 5 episodes. I am liking Rory a whole lot more this season and am happy to see Matt Smith come into his own with this role. Although, I do still miss David Tennant.

I hope you all had a blessed day.


Tuesday Twitter Hop

1. Add your Twitter URL to the Linky below: when you add it, it will automatically appear on everyone’s page that posts this Linky so you do not need to add it more than once, Sorry you couldn't link up last week, I added you to the #4 spot, I took out the #! and was able to add it this week

Use: http://twitter.com/username
Not: http://twitter.com/#!/username

2. Click on the top 3 Twitter Names and follow them: The top 3 will be the hostesses; Shining2Save, Living on Love and Cents and Luxury Living Frugal Style, we will follow you back.

3. Follow as many people on Twitter as you like: Be sure to leave comments or send them a message so they will know where to follow you back.

You do not have to make a post to join: but it is always a plus if you do so everyone else can see and join in on the fun!

Help spread the word and add this Linky to your blog! The more we spread it the more followers we will get!

Below the Linky box, you will see see “What is a blog Hop? Get the Code Here" Click on it and just copy and paste that code into your post and the same Linky will appear. Your blog visitors can add their Twitter ID to your list and it will show up on all lists!
Feel free to copy and paste these instructions or just post the button and link back to me.

Please only add your Twitter url. All other entries will be deleted.

Thank you and Have Fun Twitter Hopping!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Joplin Tornado Story: I Thought I Lost Them


You know that whopper of an EF-5 tornado that ripped up 25% of Joplin, killed approximately 120 people, and injured approximately 800 with approximately 1500 still missing? All my children live there. My boys, my daughter, my son-in-law, my daughter-in-law, and Tee and Bee.

My youngest son, Alec, worked at the Walmart that is now completely gone. He was at work. And I don't know how he got out of there alive.

#Joplin Walmart after today's tornado.  on Twitpic

This is the second tornado Alec has been in. The first was the EF-3 that hit Carl Junction, Missouri in May 2003. In that one, the houses on either side of us and all the houses across the street were demolished. All I had was a broken window and a totaled car.

After that tornado, in which everyone in the house ignored me and thought I was just being dramatic about the weather, we don't ignore weather anymore. We don't ignore warnings, watches, or sirens. The threat is real. And even if the threat does pan out as non-existent, is it really worth your life to take a chance?

Please don't ignore weather warnings and please please please make sure...absolutely sure...that you hug your family and friends at every opportunity and let them know you love them. Don't take moments for granted because you just can't ever ever get them back.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Follow Me Friday Blog Hop 05.20.11


Welcome to the NEW Follow Me Friday hosted by Living on Love and Cents, Madame Deals, Mom on Dealz, The Coupon Challenge, Luxury Living Frugal Style and Budget Savvy Diva.

Follow Friday

Each week we will follow you to a different place. (Facebook, Twitter, Google Friend connect,etc) Only link up the network we are visiting that week! Check back each week to see where we are following you. This is a great and FUN way to build your following and find great people to follow as well. A few important things:

1) Follow the first 6 in the linky. These are our hosts and they WILL follow back. Be sure to comment so that we can follow back!

2) Only link up your the network we are visiting for the week!--GOOGLE FRIEND CONNECT(Link directly to your Blog Page)

3) Spread the word about this hop with a post, grab the button, etc.!

4.)For more followers- Grab the linky code and post this on your blog for your followers!

Happy Traveling! Be SURE to leave a comment so that we can return the follow. Remember GOOGLE FRIEND CONNECT THIS WEEK!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 05.18.11

This is our new cub at the zoo...his name is Monty. He got stuck when he was trying to get a particular piece of bark off the tree log. Didn't stop his diligent efforts one bit.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blog It Forward Tuesday 05.17.11

Introducing Blog It Forward Tuesday! A blog hop and giveaway linky hosted by Just Married with Coupons and Sweep Tight.

The concept of this blog hop is the same as any other – to meet new bloggers and gain more followers. But, what if we took it a step further?

The idea of the Blog It Forward theme is to not only gain more followers, but also do something a little extra for each other (pay it forward).

Instead of just following each blog, take an extra minute to do a little more. Some examples could be…referring them to your facebook friends, tweet about them, stumble a post, add their giveaway to a linky…get creative. We all know how busy us bloggers can be, so little things like this are really appreciated! Here are the simple rules:

1.Follow both hosts – Just Married with Coupons and Sweep Tight – via Google Friend Connect. Make sure you leave a comment and we will follow back.
2.We would love it if you could grab our button to spread the word! The more people who know, the more fun!
3.Follow any other blogs that may interest you.
4.Blog it forward! Just one random act of niceness to another blogger can go a long way. If you get a second, give it a try!
5.Don't forget to add your giveaways to the second linky, too!
The linkys will open every Monday at 7:00pm CST. You only need to add your link to one linky for it to show up on all participating blogs.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Tulsa State Fair 10.03.10


We had so much fun and it was really neat to see Kerry Vincent. We're already looking forward to this year's fair.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Let's Get Social Sunday Blog Hop 05.08.11

What is Let’s Get Social?

Let’s Get Social is a weekly link-up hosted by a fabulous group of five bloggers we call the Fab 5! The Fab 5 includes Bridget of Guide to Smart Shopping, Jennifer of Sweep Tight, Jessica of Mom of all Trades, Tree of Mother of Pearl It Is, and Brandi of Life with Five Monkies.

We created Let’s Get Social as a means to socialize with other bloggers as well as help you gain more followers! You can follow via any social method you like. You can also follow using more than one method and we encourage you to do so! Please be sure to leave a comment letting the person know how you followed so they can follow you back.

To Participate:

-Follow all of the hosts in the first 5 spots. Please leave a comment on our Let’s Get Social post letting us know how you follow and we will follow you back. Please be patient with us as it might take us a couple days to get through everybody.

-After you have made sure to follow each host, follow as many other bloggers as you like commenting on their hop post as you do so so they can follow you back!

-All blogs participating must post about Let’s Get Social each week when linking up. Please include our button using the code provided above in your post. This will help to get the word out about Let’s Get Social.

-Link-up the post you made on your blog for Let’s Get Social. Please link directly to your post instead of to your homepage.

This linky will go live every Saturday at 9:00 pm EST! Direct links to your hop post only please! Links to your homepage, other blog hop, or giveaways will be deleted. (You only have to link up on one of the host sites to have your link appear on all.) This is a Blog Hop! 35 entries so far... you're next!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Was Planning On


....having something written on here besides "business" stuff. I want my blog to be about my whole life...not just the bargain hunting mastermind side of me.

I'm the "Mimi" to "Tee" and "Bee". Tee will be 6 in July and Bee was just born last Saturday. I am going to photoshop a picture together of the two of them to put it on my blog. Thanks to hospital regulations, Tee was not allowed to go and visit her new cousin Bee when she was born. They live about an hour and a half from us, so we're going to have to all get together soon so the two girls can be introduced.

What I'm thinking is that I was supposed to be in bed about 3 hours ago. If I don't go to bed, I'm going to be a grumpy Mimi when Poppa wakes me up at 6AM like I asked him to do. I get all caught up in this blog and lose track of time, which is not a good thing. I have bipolar disorder and sometimes balance & order come a little bit hard for me.

I very much look forward to interacting with other people in the blogosphere. From what I have seen, it's a pretty amazing community.
